And so semi-crippled, with an insane head-cold, so drugged up my short-term memory is shot, we approach the end of the first leg of our tour. Steroids, antibiotics, ambian, emergen-C, anti-histamine, decongestant, valium, airborne, tylenol, albutamol: these are my recently assembled allies. The axis of remedial. Now don't lecture me please. I'm not some scrip-junkie. I just got very sick and this concoction is allowing the show to go on. It's working..okay? I had to bow out of a little sojourn ben, e and blake took to san diego yesterday, but I hear things went swimmingly out on their boat. We had a miraculous show in Los Angeles...truly. A great show, as always, in San Francisco, and here we are. Portland, Oregon. A town where our fortunes seem to rise and fall like the tides. Sometimes it's a sell-out, sometimes there's a man, his dog and a mug-tree for company. Can't tell you why. Hopefully tonight will be typically unpredictable. Tomorrow, Sasquatch. I'm told its beautiful, though from under these drugged-out lids, most everything seems quite warm and pretty: even the pissing rain outside the window of our bus. And so, once again, to sound-check. Is sound there? Yes. Great. Let's go the pub.