April 25, 2007


Someone is playing the drums across the street, it's driving me mad! I know practice makes perfect but God he is crap! Uses brushes for goodness sakes!!

Drums are rubbish!


April 15, 2007

Blackie Blogg-Australia New Zealand!

Here we are relaxing on the last day of an Aussie tour, recovering from our self inflicetd wounds from too much good wine. Dajon's just sat by the pool sharpening Anduril ready for his return to Gondor. Dajon's Aragorn for any of you who didn't know, he's just called Dajon to keep his identity secret so he isn't slaine.
Tom's been preparing himself for the worlds biggest Bungee Jump in New Zealand by wrapping himself in elastic bands & jumping off the hotel balcony. Probably should have done that over the pool, but I'm sure he'll still be jumping around & doing his best to get you all dancing tonight.
Ian's been residing in a vineyard by Margaret River since the last time we were here. We're still using Ian lookalike at the moment but we might have a drive by the vineyard & see if he's drunk all the good stuff & wants to leave yet.
Olly's gone on a parachute drop into the outback. He's gone in search for the perfect drum wood. He spends his days & nights searching out funny looking trees with wierd sounding names & taps gently against them with a small toffee hammer to see if he likes the resonance. I think he might be losing his BLANKS! The outback sun seems to have got to him.
Ben's down in Bondi, I think he's giving Jack Johnson a few surfing tips today.
So that's about the current state of affairs hope you're all good & you Kiwi's are all ready & raring to go!
See you soon!

Blackie Blogg-G'day!G'Day!

I've been having such a great time hanging out in Australia with all these Aussies that every night I've been absolutely BLANKED! I keep seeming to wake up absolutely BLANKED & the really funny thing is that I've been the least BLANKED of us all!

April 13, 2007

Ozz - Day 2043 - still drunk

Well well well!

Off to Newcastle in min, 3 hours there, 3 hours back - nice. All is good in the camp. Things seem to revolve around, airports, crap vans and playing Blankety Blank. And on that subject anyone who remembers the fabulous show should have a game.

My wife was so BLANK last night, she couldn't remember giving me a BLANK!

For example. The old wife Blanks were particularly good back in the day.

Example number 2:

My, I had such a bad headache last night, that when I tryed to remember anything my mind went BLANK.

A very simple game with endless possibilties.

See you at the SUMMER NIGHTS (what summer nights!)

Take it easy everybody,
